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Thursday, 10 July 2014

books i want to read

SO books on Kindle were really cheap today - probably an average of £1.50? So I thought I would buy one. Or three.

I got The 100 which is a dystopian novel about 100 prisoners who are sent back to earth after humans have been living on a space ship style thing for quite some time. I have just started this and it isn't shaping up to be all that good but I will persevere.

Next book is one I am really excited about reading, We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I am not quite sure what it is about, I have read the first couple of pages, but it is highly recommended and from the first couple of pages I get a good feeling for the book. The style is vaguely similar to More than This, by Patrick Ness, and that was a great book so I am really excited to read this one.

Finally, Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell, this book has been recommended to me several times, and a friend recently read it and enjoyed it. I have read Fangirl, by the same author and thought that was a pleasant read, so I am quite excited for this book too, even if romance is not my forte.

I will maybe-possibly-probably write a review for each one, after I have read them, although that is quite a dedication to make so let's see if I do.

Amy xx

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